Equi Projekt


The feed automats we offer are characterized by high quality workmanship and high reliability in use. The manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on its machines. In one of the stables, the machines have been functioning without failure for more than 30 years.


Badania dowodzą, że najlepszym sposobem karmienia koni jest pasza zadawana często i w małych ilościach. Współcześnie konie jedzą zbyt szybko, często nie przeżuwają wystarczająco dużo i łapczywie połykają duże części paszy, które otrzymują w zbyt długich przerwach między karmieniami. W wyniku niewystarczającego wydzielania śliny soki żołądkowe nie mogą działać prawidłowo. Część pokarmu – niestrawiona – jest wydalana. Konsekwencjami są niestrawność, kolki oraz wrzody żołądka, które objawiają się często dodatkowymi dolegliwościami, a w konsekwencji problemami w treningu oraz zachowaniu.

Dlatego opracowano rozwiązanie w postaci automatów paszowych, które zadają paszę w odpowiednich ilościach i porcjach. W rezultacie konie żują powoli. Pasza jest bardzo dobrze opracowywana i może być lepiej trawiona w żołądku. Zęby koni są również ścierane w naturalny sposób. Oprócz korzyści prozdrowotnych, używanie automatów paszowych niesie za sobą dodatkowe korzyści. Po pierwsze proces odbywa się automatycznie, zawsze o stałej porze i dokładnie odmierzonej porcji – pracownicy oraz opiekunowie koni nie są zobowiązani godzinami karmienia. Dodatkowo, częste karmienie w małych porcjach bezpośrednio do żłobu oznacza, że pasza nie jest rozrzucana na podłogę.

Breeders who feed their horses using automatic feed machines avoid the nutritional mistake of overfeeding and overfeeding their horses, which can lead to colic that is dangerous to the horses' health and life.  In caring for the welfare of horses, a proper diet and accurate estimation of caloric requirements is essential. 

The regularity of feeding horses is extremely important, as these animals very quickly become accustomed to consistent feeding times. If delayed, some react with anxiety or aggression, for example by kicking at the stall walls. Automation of feed distribution means that such situations do not occur, as a specific amount of feed - e.g. 6 kg - will be given to the horse at a fixed time and divided into e.g. 10-12 portions.

The distribution of feed (oats, pellets or muesli) using automatic feeding machines also has the advantage that all horses receive their feed at the same time. With the traditional way of distributing feed, especially in large stables, the horses in the most distant stalls often receive their feed several minutes after starting to feed, which increases their anxiety, can cause damage to the stable building and equipment, and can also be injurious to the animals themselves, especially in the legs. 

Frequent feeding has been proven to save feed by 20%. Feeding less feed results in better absorption. The material gains from the use of automatic feeders, in terms of rational feed dosing and savings in staff time, mean that the cost of purchasing an automatic feed machine pays for itself within two years of installation (calculations for the German market).

Benefits of the automatic feeders:

For different types of feed

Possibility to feed different types of feed: oats, pellets or muesli

Supporting regular feeding

Horses always receive their feed at the same time

Simultaneous feeding

All horses receive feed at the same time.


Frequent feeding results in feed savings of up to 20%: by feeding smaller amounts, the feed is better absorbed by the animals

We offer you feed automats and fodder machines made by the world leader in their production, who has been manufacturing and assembling them for about 40 years. The company's products are the result of many years of continuous research into feeding horses and other animals.

The feed automats we offer are characterized by high quality workmanship and high reliability in use. The manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on its machines. In one of the stables, the machines have been functioning without failure for more than 30 years.

Types of automatic feeders

Machine with a flat tank (assembled outside the box)

Inbox automat

Automat connected to a silo

Control device
