Equi Projekt



Our aim is to provide the best products and solutions for the equestrian market in Poland. We have the pleasure of representing several companies whose products are often recognized in the community as the best in the world. The products we offer are successfully used by leading riders and equestrian centers. Some of the products, such as footing graders, are often used at major equestrian events including Olympic Games.

Stable boxes

Both facades and partitions are manufactured with attention to detail using high-quality materials: correct frontage construction guarantees durability, stability and, above all, safety for the horses. Boxes combine robustness and functionality with the possibility of individualized composition. An additional advantage of our boxes is their quick and practically problem-free assembly.

Stable facades

Stable facades are available with sliding or hinge-mounted doors. They are fitted with invisible welds, the steel is galvanized or powder-coated and the timber is of high-performance quality. Different types of infill, such as pine, ash, oak or exotic wood, or plastic boards, can be used for the stable box. Each partition wall has frames made of 50×50 mm profile and 50x30x3 mm channels. Tubes with a diameter of 20 mm are used in the manufacturing process. The partitions are equipped with tubes at the top. This construction ensures that the animals have constant and free contact with their surroundings. Optionally, walls with a part-covered top section may be used to protect the animals from stressful situations during feeding.


  • sliding or hinged doors,
  • several types of infill: pine, larch, ash, oak, exotic wood or plastic planks,
  • several façade and partition wall designs available as standard,
  • possibility to make an individual design according to the submitted pattern.
  • teel elements are galvanized and optionally powder-coated - by combining these methods, the highest level of protection is achieved,
  • invisible welds,
  • adequate air circulation,
  • additional elements such as ventilation grilles, hinged doors in the box door, rotating manger, cabinet hidden under the manger, or coat hanger are available on request.


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FR50 Fasada-z-rozsuwanymi-drzwiami-FR-60-2


FO10 Fasada ozdobna FO 10
FO20 Fasada ozdobna FO 20
FO30 Fasada ozbona FO 40 na specjalne zamówienie
FO40 Fasada ozdobna FO 80
FO50 Fasada-ozdobna-FO-50
FO60 Fasada-ozdobna-FO-60
FO70 FO30.3
FO80 Fasada ozbona FO 40 na specjalne zamówienie


SD10 sd10
SD20 1780957_10153013971078646_2586373555352129447_o
SD30 40522466_10156954286208646_5115814118397313024_n
SD40 60237894_10157629391433646_2126827470941323264_n
SD50 SD50
SD60 SD60
SD70 SD70
SD80 sd80