Equi Projekt



Our aim is to provide the best products and solutions for the equestrian market in Poland. We have the pleasure of representing several companies whose products are often recognized in the community as the best in the world. The products we offer are successfully used by leading riders and equestrian centers. Some of the products, such as footing graders, are often used at major equestrian events including Olympic Games.

footings anti-freeze

Oferujemy sprawdzone preparaty, których zastosowanie zmniejsza ryzyko zamarznięcia podłoża dla koni.

magnesium chloride

Zalecany jest do stosowania i zmieszania z podłożem przed mrozami. Chlorek magnezu w postaci aktywnych perełek to skuteczny środek odmrażający, który jest zarazem przyjazny dla środowiska. Perełki wnikając w oblodzoną powierzchnię, odmrażają ją wydzielając ciepło oraz zapewniając długotrwałą ochronę przed ponownym zamarznięciem.

Properties of magnesium chloride:

  • harmless and safe for humans and animals
  • 100% natural
  • environmentally friendly
  • does not contain road salt
  • efficient
  • retains its properties at temperatures as low as -30°C
  • absorbs humidity
  • eliminates dusting

calcium chloride

If the footing has already started to freeze, we suggest calcium chloride. It is a granular de-icing agent, efficient and highly effective.

Properties of calcium chloride:
  • harmless and safe for humans and animals
  • generated heat on contact with frozen surface, causing it to melt naturally and protecting it for up to 72 hours against re-icing
  • retains its properties at temperatures as low as -50°C
  • may be used in liquid form
  • binds dust and significantly reduces dust uplift
  • reduces air humidity